10 new things I learned this week and other random musings

I’ve had a shitty few weeks. I’m now on round 2 of the flu and have had to cancel all my lifting sessions. Nothing annoys me more than being sick because I hate the feeling of not being able to do things.

But, in anticipation of something light hearted for the end of the week, here is my list of 10 random new things I learned this week.

  1. If you’re in a bullet list in word and in the second bullet/row to the bullet list and press enter twice, it goes back to the original bullet.
  2. Being fat adapted means that your body is in a better state of ketosis and is using fat stores as energy. I am currently fat adapted.
  3. 6000 characters with spaces equals approximately 3000 words. There are even online conversion tools for this.
  4. The medicine Tamiflu can cause throat and tonsil ulcers.
  5. Bindii weeds are extremely difficult to eradicate.
  6. The documentary movie Icarus opened my eyes to the use of performance enhancing drugs in elite sports at the Olympic level. Trust no-one.
  7. Facebook pages increase blog post traffic (and I HATE that).
  8. Dettol in laundry washing is the bomb. It provides anti-bacterial qualities and is awesome for gym clothes (or husband’s smelly socks!)
  9. Alpaca’s are very protective of their herd.
  10. Personal branding, as in, developing yourself as a brand, is totally a thing.

Now that we’ve covered those strange new facts, do you have any enlightening, awe inspiring random facts that have made you go hmm this week?