Chicken walkabout: In memory of the chook we lost

Last night when out on their regular afternoon forage, one of our chickens went missing. She either got out somewhere through a hole in the fence or was nabbed by a predator. She vanished quietly, so we’re more inclined to think she just went walkabout and didn’t know how to come back. She was one of our best layers too *sigh*…

Here is a compilation of some recent pictures and images of all my chickens and ducks foraging and playing in the yard. Such simple creature that are so ridiculously funny and joyful to be around.

I’m still very sick and so I think this is a nice way to end the week whilst I go back to bed and try for the umpteenth time, to get better!


New experiments, doggy stress – country life.

I’ve been hanging to blog from my new iPad Pro and I sit here now writing to you from it! It is superb! I picked up a fire truck red Logitech case with keyboard from overseas saving me some $$ (In Australia the darn thing is up to $200) and am having my afternoon coffee with the dogs outside. There’s a fresh, cool wind that makes the tree tops whistle and I am thoroughly enjoying the last few days of winter Qld will get.

I didn’t get to post yesterday so I will make up for it with a separate post. Today we experimented with leaving the dogs inside. One of our “lovely” neighbors reported our dogs for nuisance barking. We of course were not aware this was happening, so we canvassed our immediate neighbors and nobody reported anything of concern. One neighbor did, but said he didn’t report us and that it was the neighbor from his other side which is half a kilometer from us. I still think it was him, but he didn’t want friction so he blamed it on someone else. Regardless, we went away on a day trip to the country looking for a bigger parcel of land on the weekend and downloaded an app to record the dogs. Lo and behold, both Milo and Mischa barked, and howled like they were being killed. It broke my heart. We came home and of course replayed the 400+ recordings. They both sounded so morose and somber, but it did make sense to a few behavioral things Milo has been doing of late and of how clingy he’s been.
I can also understand why the neighbor reported us because it was all day. All, damn, day. My dogs have separation anxiety.

So our closest neighbors, also a young childless couple who love animals like we do told us about what they did for their furry friends. Mind you they also have a 30 dog kennel on their property so in a way it is a bit easier for them to manage placing their dogs during the day. Also, we live in a fucking rural area – dogs bark, I mean, its instinctive, its natural and its normal (not howling like what Milo was doing, but I’m saying that dogs bark, its their thing, so fucking what?). Anyway they mentioned the feeding schedule they do and how they place their dogs in the kennels and let them out in the afternoon. So we tried it. Both our dogs have a rumpus area which is like a thoroughfare between two large living rooms (it’s the way they joined the house when they added onto it) where their beds are placed and there is two massive sliding doors on either side. It gives them perfect view, comfort and a fresh breeze during the day. We locked them up and left the recording device on…

I came home to no issues! Safe to report that their were no doggy do-do’s in the house, no clothes or blankets or pillows torn and no mess. Milo grabbed hubby’s old slippers that he loves and put them on his bed. The device records everything that makes a sound and is really bloody good, but out of 94 recordings, all of them were house noises, the pump going on and off or birds. Bloody noisy minors and kookaburras, but no howling dogs.

And whilst this is good, I think its only a temporary fix. I will have to work on separation with both dogs so that they get this out of their system. Yes its a good fix now, but what about if it happens again? I don’t know what their triggers are, so I need to do some more research on separation anxiety in dogs and what to do about behavioral responses. I don’t want to medicate my dogs, even if that is an option. It won’t fix the issue at all, and I don’t believe my dogs need to have bnarcotics pumped into them for any reason. They’re healthy from dogs, who get clean Whole Foods, play and run around all the time and have a safe and happy home to live in. I’d rather put in the effort to help them have the best and happiest life ever, than to medicate them as a temporary solution.

You know it broke my heart when I heard the recording of him howling and I cried. I just couldn’t get over that he was so distressed thinking we weren’t coming home, or whatever it was that he was feeling that he was literally crying all day, non-stop. I’m really happy that today’s experiment went well, and that my dogs felt settled and at ease. Nothing is more sad then when your best friend is sad, and at least now I know I can keep them inside where they will be safe and he will be stress free, and the neighbors won’t call the council on me for having a nuisance pet.

Just a quick update today. I have been listening to some new podcasts and they had some excellent topics that, as I was driving home I was like, this shit totally fits my blog theme and I need to do some more research on it. I also want to try and do a few book reviews (because I was home sick for about 10 days and read….a lot!), a new low carb recipe I concocted using Osso bucco which turned out phenomenal and an update on the new farm we are planning on buying. 

Oh, and back at work. Finally, after being sick like I’ve never been sick before. It didn’t take long for me to sigh and daydream about something different, but there is hope on the horizon as some new opportunities are popping up. I’m still glad I am not in the place I used to work at, but this new job is not exciting, and really I’m just a bit bored. The agency itself though is fantastic, with awesome work benefits, so if nothing, that is always a plus until I can get back to what I do best.

P.s. the cover image is my big boy Milo. Hard to look at his face and think he gets separation anxiety, but he does. Regardless, he’s still mama’s boy and I love him to pieces.

How has your week started? Have you had tried something new or different, or planned to try something new or different?

Duck update!

I promised this a couple of weeks ago, but I finally have a few minutes now to update. The duckies are going super well! We don’t know if they’re male or female yet and this is our first flock of ducks…. are they a flock? Anyway, hubby and I now have 4 ducks, 6 chooks, 2 dogs and 1 cat in our little herd of furry friends. The ducks were about 6-7 weeks old ‘when I picked them up (based on estimation) because their feathers, the larger feathers, hadn’t even started growing and were tiny little stubs…now however…!

Here’s a few pics of them being cute and mischievous:

They absolutely love having a bath in their bucket – we’re trying to find a second-hand claw or mini kids pool for them, just for the interim, but we have to make a few accommodation amendments in their house area first. We are getting a lot of wild birds coming and eating the poultry/fowl food and water. And our neighbours just mentioned their whole flock of hens is dying with some type of disease they got from crows or magpies, or something. Either way, I don’t really want to be replacing hens or ducks too often as, not only can it be costly, but it disrupts the laying cycle of the existing birds and takes them a bit to get back into the groove. With winter coming close to an end, they need to be back to full egg-tastic production as spring comes along.

I really adore the little ducks, as I do my chooks, but they’re somehow sweeter and gentler. And so intelligent. Within the first day they knew where the food was, where the water was, and how to go back into their house. They do make a bit of mess near the water because they splash around, but it’s nothing too crazy. We’re lucky we’re on some decent acreage and so we let them out every day for a forage and fossick. It definitely makes a difference to the happiness of the birds and the health of the yard (although, I would love it if my dogs stopped eating the chicken shit from the yard!)

They’re also mixing well with the local wild ducks that have been in our yard for the last month. They generally don’t stop at our place, because of the dogs, but lately they’ve been in the backyard with my ducks foraging together. They’re a different duck species of course, with brown feathers and much smaller feet with less webbing in between and they always travel in pairs. I think they must feel some kinship with their fellow friends!

And so I believe at about the 10-13 week mark is when we will know if they’re young drakes or young ducks, and if so, we will also then see whether or not we let them breed out a few eggs before we take them so we can make the flock a wee bit bigger! I’m totally excited about having duck eggs.

Instagram snaps @pixiie83 – Stanthorpe, QLD

These pics were taken a few months back at my friends farm in Stanthorpe, Queensland. One of the nicest country towns I’ve ever been to.

Can’t wait to get my own chunk of land here some day. It truly is wonderful. All images were taken by me using a Samsung Note 4.

Day in the life of Prince Milo


This morning I woke up abruptly at about 4am. The tingle in my boy bits said it was time for wees, but daddy was still sleeping and it was raining outside. Still, I knew I’d get into trouble if I had an accident inside so I stumbled off my bed, stretched, and made my way to daddy’s room.

Naughty, naughty daddy though. He knows I wake him up every single morning to go for wees and this time he shut his bedroom door! He thinks I won’t bust through it like a super hero but he is so totally wrong and he will so totally still give me a cuddle even if I wake him up.

5 mins later…

Daddy is now up. Mischa is still fast asleep – her snoring is driving me nuts and she makes these silly sounds when she dreams of chasing the chickens. Last time we were on our rug in the study, she totally kicked me in the face and I totally growled at her. Not on Misch, not on.

Either way, we are making our way to the door! Huzzah! I’m so hungry though…do you think it’s breakfast time yet?

IMG_20160724_150358.jpg8am: I couldn’t wait any longer. I am so damn hungry. I had to wake mama and daddy up again. The new food gives me doggy gas but I must admit, it’s a super cool party trick. Mischa finally woke up and is already at the chicken fence. She thinks one of them will slip through the gate crack, but I know they won’t. They’re sneaky buggers to catch. Today mama is not going to work, so today we will relax. Today will be a good day.

11am: bah humbug. The census guy keeps dropping calling cards at the letter box. Last time he came I gave him my two cents worth and he hasn’t been back, although he might bring a friend next time. I also don’t like that new Rottweiler two doors down. Who does he think he is gallivanting around in his own yard? Does he not know the rule – everything Milo sees with his own eyes is his. Pfft…amateurs. Think they can just do what they like. I’ll show him – my bark is way way louder.

1pm: I love it when mama is home. We always get extra spoilt. We usually have some Greek yoghurt for mid-morning tea, a piece of fruit for lunch and some crunchy vegies after lunch when mama is prepping for the ‘dinner rush’. Mischa is such a guts though – she’s always sniffing in the kitchen and then gets yelled at. I don’t see why she’s so hung up on food – it’s not like she hasn’t got a bit extra on her anyway?

3pm: MISSY IS HOME! MISSY IS HOME! MISSY IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5pm: DADDY IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

7pm: It’s time to wind down for the night. Missy went back outside for the night shift. She likes catching bush mice and rodents. Mama has already prepared lunches for tomorrow, and daddy is playing on his laptop. I am sleepy. We chased some birds today, and these two silly galah’s kept taunting me…I don’t like galahs. Also, those kangaroo’s from next door….grrr….they’re teasing me on purpose I see. Just wait till I get let out the yard, then we’ll see who rules this roost! Other than that it’s probably time for me to go to sleep. If I don’t fall asleep first, Mischa’s snoring keeps me up half the night.

10pm: oh gosh I need to wee again…

I am a serial blog starter…

But somehow the oomph and the incentive I have when I first create a blog goes quickly. I always feel like I have nothing interesting to say, or that my life is a boring nerd hole. I even Google random blog theme topics attempting to write something witty, informative, and to get a laugh. I dream of that viral success (but a good viral success!) and it never seems to find me.

But maybe I am looking for success instead of making it. Maybe all that success is out there in the world on some distant cloud just waiting to be snatched up. You know what? I kinda like that analogy…maybe it’s time I start snatching success.

And then it kinda hit me – I was looking through my Instagram feed and thought, “you know what, I am kind of interesting.” People follow me, they like my image posts, and I get good feedback from like minded individuals. And I think that’s where I went wrong with the umpteen other blogs – I tried to be nichey (if that is even a word), and nichey doesn’t work for me (okay, it isn’t a word and I am getting the dreaded red underline and whilst I refuse to acknowledge the red underline I will continue to use my made up word…it works in this context!). I cannot be the beauty blogger or the #MUA (makeup addict for those not in the know), or the “pin whatever your primary interest is here” person because…interests I mean. And to try to limit or categorise myself for the purposes of social media or to be marketable is such a not me thing to do.

So instead I “Googled” (cos that totally is a word now!) lifestyle blogging and vlogging and totally stalked vlognation posts and blogtrapeneuer….(excellent reading by the way) and found that there were a lot of people blogging about life, about their life and their interests which were anything from loving cats and eating Paleo lifestyle to gaming nerds with an obsession for Bonzai’s, and lots of people who travel (I totally live vicariously through these types of bloggers – the image of sitting in a coffee shop in a bustling foreign city using some random wifi is totally an Instagram image I have planning in my mind)…

But I digress. I look at some of my favorite Youtube vloggers and their styles are so different, despite using the same medium even if they have the same interests.

So that bought me to I recently started getting fit, as in, weight training at the gym. And initially, I had a specific motive/goal and was only interested in getting to that goal. I soon realised that whilst that goal is attainable via other means, the part where I get fit will take its longest journey, and it wouldn’t happen overnight. But another thing I learnt along the way was how much I freaking loved it. I changed so many elements of my life with that one decision to get fit that I almost feel entirely transformed. And this is where the name of has emerged from – it isn’t just getting fit physically, (yes that is totally a bonus). But being able to deal with all of the bullshit life throws your way (and not having a total meltdown!) can be difficult to achieve long term. I feel as if this is an evolution to a fit life – physically, mentally and emotionally. I feel I’ve awakened my spirit warrior (I promise, I am not insane and this is totally just my positivity!). Fitology is like psychology for the body and soul – it is about eating good clean foods, working hard, training, being outside in nature, enjoying delectable sweets, happiness, vibrant fruit, the love of your animals (the love of your family and friends too), your favourite hobbies, studying and reading and learning and knowledge and just life in general. It’s about making the most of every opportunity, and opening the door yourself (when the one in front of you closes). It is about not letting life defeat you, ever.

And for some that may be overly optimistic, or fluffy – and I get that I do, but you only get the one life and you need to use it wisely. This year has been an absolute plethora of an emotional roller-coaster, of self development and self awareness and of moving forward…and I’d like to share those, with you.

So if this seems like somewhere you’d like to visit on occasion, I would love you to stay and watch the evolution of That Fitology Life…because I truly am going to try not make this a one hit wonder (although to be honest Milli Vanilli still gets paid so I dunno what that’s all about) and to make it somewhere nice to play…on the interwebs…with  startled cats gifs from Reddit and organic chocolate (cos that’s how I roll sometimes).