3 key mantras successful people use

We all want it…success, fame and fortune. Maybe not in the famous celebrity way, but deep down inside we all want to know that the path we are on is going to bring us a success that are happy and content with. One that emulates our life purpose.

Successful people and entrepreneurs don’t just wake up in the morning without a plan for the day. If anything, their hard work and tenacity and dedication to the betterment of their cause, whatever that may be, is what drives them to those higher elevations, makes them achieve their goals and allows them to live a successful life.

Here are three of my favourite success mantras and those I believe are the driver of highly successful people.


Be the energy you want to attract. This is so simple. Don’t dwell or focus on the negative aspects of what you want. For example, if you want more financial abundance, don’t think about how little you have or how many bills you have to pay. Instead, think about the financial abundance around you, like the assets you already own, the growth that you are working through, the investments you can make.


My potential is unlimited. This is phenomenal. Think about it for a moment. You can achieve greatness in so many ways. Networking, studying, learning and knowledge (knowledge is power, and I stand by this), exposure – one step at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time.


Feel the fear and do it anyway. One thing that sets us mere mortals apart from the likes of Richard Branson (other than his enormous wallet!) is the healthy fear and risk that comes with doing things anyway. I read a recent post on Elon Musk who discussed his windfall from Paypal and how when he invested it into Tesla, Spacex and his other investments, he had almost no money left to pay his rent. But look at where Elon Musk is today and look at his net worth. It didn’t come from thin air, he worked hard to get to where he is today, and he took risks that could’ve been disastrous, but they weren’t, and he has become immensely successful.