My morning routine: What I do to be the most productive I can

We hear often about a variety of list making, productivity and organisation techniques that can be used to make our life and our time more manageable and more valuable. Wasting time is wasting life. Time is the only thing we can never get back, so essentially we want to make sure that whatever we do each day is being done to the best of our ability.

My morning routine is something set in stone. I planned it before I did it and when I did it, I spent a good week or so tweaking times and seeing what worked and what didn’t. Morning routines are important to set the pace for the rest of the day. Think of when you were younger and would sleep all day and party all night, going to your part timethat job or stumbling to uni! Yes, it was fun, and we could afford to do it then, but having no purpose and no direction can affect the way we approach our days and our life. Essentially, organisation gives us this purpose in achievable chunks, helps achieve short term goals and gives incentives to continue planning. All of these keywords are not just keywords, but facets to how we can have the best life possible.

Morning routines should also be reviewed regularly to ensure you operate at your peak. If you change jobs, change start times for work, change how far you need to commute, you also need to change your morning routine. Not only is it pointless to not be willing to change and adapt to a change in circumstance, but it is detrimental to how you carry out your day and will only encourage reduced performance.

So in order to make the absolute best out of each day, where I manage my time, develop strategies for goals and make sure I meet all my tasks and activities, the below is how I currently structure my day for the work week:

  1. Wake up at 04:30am. Makeup, brush teeth, hair and get dressed for work by 05:00am. Breakfast from 05:00-05:15. Use this time to load up your podcast playlist.
  2. 05:15am: turn on car and warm up. Pack work bags and lunch (prepared the night before) and put it into the car. Load dishwasher and set delayed start on washing machine.
  3. 05:30: leave for work. Arrive work by 06:30am – this gives me half an hour buffer in case of traffic.
  4. 07:00: work shift starts.
  5. 07:00-07:30: plan work day. Attend to emails from overnight and review anything that needs action. Plan day using diary and checklist of tasks. Block out any meetings in diary (online and hard copy). Schedule reflection time in the afternoon to review task list. Fill up water bottle and leave some fruit by your desk for morning tea.
  6. 11:00-11:30: lunch time. Use this time to walk away from the desk, and use your personal diary to update any new meetings/appointments and scheduling for your personal life. Update any bills paid, bills received, emails that need action, pet vaccinations etc.
  7. 13:30:13:45: reflection time. Review task list for completion. Make notes about what you need to look at tomorrow.
  8. 15:00: end work day. Drive home will be a minimum hour and a half. Use this time to catchup on podcasts and think about themes for blog post topics and content schedule.
  9. 16:30-17:00: I should be home by now! Let’s consider this the time for the purposes of this post. Unload dishwasher. Hang out washing. Feed dogs, chooks and ducks.
  10. 17:00-18:00: Being that I meal prep, this next part doesn’t take long. Protein source into pressure cooker to warm up for 25 mins. Cut vegetables and cook as required for dinner. Cut salad vegetables. Prep lunch for the next day. Take out meal for the next day (usually pre-cooked chilli, Bolognese sauce, stroganoff) to defrost on the counter. Lock up chooks and ducks.
  11. 18:00-19:00: Write blog posts, catch-up on social media, catch-up on blog reading, pinterest.
  12. 19:00: Husband home. Dinner and the rest is chill time. Sometimes from this point I go back to blog work, shower and relax or catch up on shows.
  13. 22:00: bed time!

Now that I’ve shared my routine, tell me about yours! What is it you do that helps you keep your day in order?

2 thoughts on “My morning routine: What I do to be the most productive I can”

    1. Yes Helen absolutely. One thing my coach says is when you are making a big change in your life, do one thing all the time to save yourself worrying about it. That way you’ll not only be more productive by wasting less time on silly things like “what am I going to eat?” but in instances where you are changing habits or watching macros, this can be beneficial in structuring quite an important part of your day!

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